Seismic Transect, 2017
Edition of 6, Site work, Polaroid film, weather, dust, framed print, 150 x 160cm
Polaroid taken as site action, site of the intersection of fault line and Gold mine near Fosterville, VIC exposing the chemical strata of the photographic composite to reaction to the weather atmosphere, temperature, dust of the site, and shaped the layers under pressure, emulating geological pressures
La Trobe Art Institute, Bendigo 2017-2018
Site responsive project examining the relationship between geophysical forms and consciousness, initiating a dialogue between the La Trobe Art Institute and the dynamics of the underlying earth. The works are abstract measuring propositions, exploring these forces physically and perceptually. Geurts intervenes the processes of scanning and polaroid photography as site actions, letting weather, temperature, force and the pulse of the body disrupt the form and colour field, blurring the lines between geology and technological praxis. The works investigate seismic phenomena and cultural context, amplifying perceptual and physical thresholds of what is, literally, below our feet.
Seismic Field is a research residency project developed at La Trobe Art Institute, awarded as part of the Georges Mora Fellowship.